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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The effectiveness of the crime investigation process is a certain degree of implementation of the activities planned by the investigator and the achievement of the results planned by him. Evaluation of effectiveness, first of all, is associated with establishing the degree of completeness of actions, the degree of fulfillment of the instructions given by the investigator, the achievability of the goal, the completeness of the fulfillment of duties and the implementation of the rights of the participants in the investigation. The regulatory basis for the investigation process is criminal procedural legislation, departmental job descriptions; regulatory reference and other documents that define the scope of control actions. In the article, the investigation of crimes of past years is considered in a technological aspect as a process of cognitive and search activity of the investigator, unfolded in time and controlled by the investigator depending on the current situation. The parameters of this process are determined, allowing one to evaluate the effectiveness of the investigation, and a brief description of them is given. Attention is paid to certain issues of forensic and organizational support for the investigation of crimes of past years, the solution of which helps to improve the quality and efficiency of the search and cognitive activity of the investigator, and therefore the effectiveness of the investigation. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about ways to increase the effectiveness of the investigation of crimes of past years, as well as the role of the actions taken by the investigator to investigate previously committed crimes. Materials and methods. The basis of the study is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, criminal procedure legislation, departmental regulatory legal acts regulating the use of special knowledge in the investigation of crimes. The methodological basis of the study was the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as cognitive methods of generalization, description, methods of observation, comparison and analysis. The results of the study. The main directions of development of forensic science are outlined in order to increase the efficiency of the investigation of crimes of past years. Findings and conclusions. The proposed recommendations will help improve the quality of investigations into past crimes.

crime investigation, crimes of past years, reconstruction of crime events, investigative errors, investigative situations, cognitive activity.
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