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Abstract (English):
The importance of research in this area is due to two circumstances. Firstly, the use of dimensional signs in criminal law as a whole is debatable, associated with many unresolved problems in terms of calculation methods, terminology, accounting for inflation, etc. Secondly, in relation to the offenses against intellectual property, the inclusion of these features in the offenses is not systematic, uniform and convenient for practical application. In particular, these compositions use different signs - large damage and large size. However, the values for major damage have not been determined. The author comes to the conclusion that the inclusion of dimensional features in the offenses against intellectual property is a suitable solution for differentiating responsibility for crimes in this category. In order to systematize the norms and use the positive experience of changing Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is proposed to abandon the sign of large damage, replacing it with a sign of large size.

intellectual property, copyright, large size of the act, large damage
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