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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The development of technology nowadays contributes not only to the improvement of the quality of life, the progress of science, but also to the increase in the number of certain types of crime, in particular drug offences. The article analyses various ways of committing crimes related to illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs in com-puter networks. It examines the technologies used by criminals, the use of cryptocur-rency, virtual currency, tor-networks and other tools to ensure anonymity and security in the trafficking of narcotic drugs in computer networks. The paper emphasises the special role of social networks and messengers in the dissemination of information on narcotic drugs. To combat such offences, it is necessary to develop effective methods and technologies to track and block access to sites where illicit content is sold, as well as to detect and apprehend those involved in online drug trafficking. In turn, the use of computer networks to commit drug trafficking offences has led to the emergence of digital footprints in theory and practice, the consideration of which is important in the context of the topic under analysis.

drug crime, narcotic drugs, illicit drug trafficking, computer networks, Darknet, meth-ods of committing crimes, encryption, cryptocurrencies, special knowledge, digital foot-prints
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