Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article examines the peculiarities of the legal status of persons with special and special legal status through the prism of the established procedure for bringing to criminal and administrative responsibility. It is noted that there are problems of abuse of the opportunities provided by the law, which introduce destructivism into the activities of law enforcement agencies to disclose and investigate committed offenses. Materials and Methods: the materials of the study were normative acts of various levels, studies of jurists on this topic. The methodological basis of the study was a set of general scientific and special methods, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparative legal method. The Results of the Study: the categories of persons with special and special legal status are highlighted, contradictions in ensuring the inviolability of persons with special and special legal status are noted, as well as problems of abuse of opportunities provided by law. Findings and Conclusions: the importance of establishing legal guarantees for the protection of the professional activities of certain categories of persons is emphasized and the need is noted to create a single list of entities with special and special legal status, as well as to develop and consolidate a uniform approach in regulating the special procedure for criminal proceedings against persons with special legal status.

legal status, special status, special legal status, legal immunities, inviolability, the principle of equality before the law and the court

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