Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article examines the issues of the emergence, formation and development of forensic tactics, as a branch of criminology, through the prism of terminological aspects. In particular, the objects of the study are some controversial and ambiguous issues regarding the use and use, both in theory and in practice, of some key terms – important components of the terminological apparatus of forensic tactics as a branch of forensic science. The positions of forensic scientists at different stages of time regarding the content of forensic tactics in the system of forensic knowledge are considered. Special attention is paid to the terminology of investigative tactics. Using the example of the production of some investigative actions, the author discusses the correctness of the use of the term "tactics" and its derivative terminological constructions. Materials and methods. The normative base of the study was the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on the issues of the designated issues. When writing the article, the fundamental provisions of materialistic dialectics were used, as well as general and particular methods of scientific cognition, including historical and comparative legal, logical and philosophical, generalizations, descriptions, and others. The theoretical and practical significance of this article is determined by the provisions and conclusions formulated in it regarding some methodological aspects of criminology as an independent science, including the author's critical view of the entrenched use of terms in criminalistic tactics, the expediency of using them in a particular context in the process of investigating crimes is questioned. To substantiate his position, the author explores the etymology and genesis of these terms, as well as provides opinions of other forensic scientists on the issues identified. Research results. Based on the analysis of the regulatory framework of the preliminary investigation system, the theoretical positions of various criminologists, taking into account the rules and laws developed in terminology, the author gives a reasoned opinion on the expediency, and, in some cases, the incorrectness of the use of certain terms in the conceptual apparatus of criminology. Conclusions. Based on the results of the conducted research, a number of conclusions and proposals have been made regarding the improvement of the terminological apparatus of forensic tactics as a section of criminology. In particular, the author's opinion is argued that the appropriateness of using the term "tactics" is directly dependent on the specific investigative situation caused by the predictive and search activity of the investigator, therefore, both in theory and in practice, it is important to understand and distinguish between "tactics", "organization and preparation", "technology" of investigative actions. The author believes that his conclusions and proposals require further discussion in the scientific community in order to develop a unified position among scientists on the controversial issues of the conceptual apparatus of criminology for its unification and implementation in the field of practical activity, which will facilitate the process of interaction of all subjects of the process of disclosure and investigation of crimes, and, accordingly, will contribute to countering crime in general.

terminology, forensic tactics, investigator, tactics of investigative actions, organization and preparation of investigative actions, technology of investigative actions

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