Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. In the article the author examines the provisions of the Russian legislation regulating the prohibition of propaganda-related demonstration of Nazi attributes or symbols or attributes or symbols similar to Nazi attributes or symbols to the extent of confusion. The author draws attention to the lack of legal regulation and the existing gaps in legislation, which involve the adoption of controversial decisions by the law enforcement officer. Materials and Methods. The regulatory framework for the study was made up of laws, regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and executive authorities of the Russian Federation. The study used general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, historical), special scientific (comparative legal) and special (formal legal) methods. The Results of the Study. Analyzing the provisions of Article 6 of Federal Law 80-FZ, dated 19 May 1995, “On Perpetuating the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945”, the author emphasizes the defects of legal norms prohibiting the demonstration of Nazi attributes or symbols. According to the author, these defects are due to the lack of a legal definition of such concepts as “Nazism” and “fascism” in domestic legislation, insufficient elaboration of the regulatory consolidation of the list of objects classified as Nazi and fascist attributes and symbols. Furthermore, the author proposes making legislative changes in this Federal Law and Resolution No. 574, issued by the Government of the Russian Federation on June 11, 2015, in order to clarify the rules for forming the list of organizations specified in parts three and four of Article 6 in the named law, as well as the attributes and symbols of these organizations. This is necessary for inclusion those organizations (groups) in the list that are recognized as criminal by the Convict of the Nuremberg Tribunal, but are not currently listed in parts 3 and 4 of Article 6 in the Law under consideration. Findings and Conclusions. The proposed improvements, from the author's point of view, will increase the effectiveness of struggle against extremism expressed in propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi attributes or symbols or attributes or symbols similar to Nazi attributes or symbols to the extent of confusion.

fascism, Nazism, attributes, symbolics, demonstration of Nazi attributes and symbols

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