Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (postgraduate student)
criminalization of the timber industry poses a threat to the economic and envi-ronmental security of our state. In the Directive of the Ministry of Internal Af-fairs of the Russian Federation of December 1 , 2010 "On the priority areas of activity of the Department of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Af-fairs of Russia, the FMS of Russia in 2011" it is noted that the Ministry of In-ternal Affairs of Russia considers as one of the priority areas of activity of the internal affairs bodies the organization of countering shadow processes at for-estry enterprises, the identification and documentation of economic and tax crimes at enterprises and organizations engaged in logging activities. But, as the analysis of practice shows, despite the measures taken, the operational sit-uation at the LPC facilities continues to be difficult. The high market value of timber and timber products, the constant growth of income received as a result of timber smuggling, the possibility of legalization of criminally obtained funds in order to legitimize the possession, use and disposal of these funds, determines the constant criminal interest of a fairly wide range of persons in such illegal activities. One of the conditions for effective counteraction to money laundering and improving the effectiveness of the detection, disclosure and investigation of these crimes is the close interaction of the investigator with the bodies carry-ing out the ORD, the inquiry. Improving the forms of interaction taking into account the specifics of the crime is the need of practice and the task of foren-sic science. Materials and methods: collection, analysis, processing of theoretical and empirical material were carried out on the laws of dialectical materialism using general scientific methods of scientific cognition and empirical research, such as analysis, generalization, systematization, formalization, description, comparison, methods and rules of formal logic, etc., as well as methods of cognition of legal reality, such as: analysis of legislation, analysis criminal cas-es. Results of the study: the conclusions aimed at improving the effective-ness of the interaction of the investigator and the body of inquiry in the identi-fication, disclosure and investigation of cases of laundering of criminal pro-ceeds are formulated. Typical forms are considered, criminalistic recommenda-tions are formulated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the interac-tion of the investigator and the bodies carrying out the ORD, the inquiry. Conclusions and conclusions: the specifics of the investigation of cases on the legalization of funds obtained as a result of timber smuggling and predi-cate crimes involve the implementation of a large number of investigative ac-tions and ORMs, which, depending on the current situation of the investiga-tion, are selected by the investigator and represent a program of activities to obtain criminally significant and evidentiary information, in which great im-portance is attached to issues of ensuring close and effective interaction of the investigator and the bodies of inquiry, improvement of the mechanism of its implementation.
investigator, body of inquiry, interaction, legalization, detection and investiga-tion of crimes, timber smuggling.
1. Vardanyan A.V. Modern doctrine of methodological and criminalistic support of investigation of certain types of crimes / A.V. Vardanyan, O.P. Gribunov // Bulletin of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 2017. - № 2(81). - Pp.23-25.
2. Vardanyan A.V. Discrediting of subjects of disclosure and investigation of crimes and criminalistic methods of its neutralization / A.V. Vardanyan, I.A. Makarenko // All-Russian Criminological Journal. - 2022. - Vol. 16, No. 5. - pp. 638-645.
3. Garmaev Yu.P. Verification by the investigator of the results of operational investigative activities / Yu.P. Garmaev // Actual problems of combating crime: questions of theory and practice: Materials of the XXV International scientific and practical conference. - Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. - 2022. - Pp. 118-120.
4. Gribunov O.P. Some features of the interaction of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of crimes related to the change of vehicle markings / O.P. Gribunov, A.S. Agafonov // Actual problems of criminalistics and forensic examination: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Irkutsk: East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. - 2021. - Pp.75-77.
5. Belozerov Yu.N., Gutkin I.M., Chuvilev A.A., Chugunov V.E. Bodies of proof and preliminary investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and their interaction / Yu.N. Belozerov, I.M. Gutkin, A.A. Chuvilev, V.E. Chugunov. - Moscow: Publishing house "Legal Literature" of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, 1973. - 120 p.
6. Zhambalov D.B. Questions of proof at the initial stage of investigation of the facts of money laundering / D.B. Zhambalov // Problems and prospects of state and law development in the XXI century: Materials of the XII-th International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Faculty of Law. - Ulan-Ude: East Siberian State University of Technology and Management. - 2021. - Pp. 33-36.
7. Karnovich S.A. The role and significance of the investigator's interaction with operational units in the investigation of crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances / S.A. Karnovich // Russian investigator. - 2013. - No. 16. - Pp.10-13.
8. Milyus A.I. Tactical features of obtaining criminalistically significant information at the initial stage of investigation of thefts of oil and petroleum products during their storage and transportation / A.I. Milyus // Siberian criminal procedural and criminalistic readings. - 2021. - No. 4. - pp. 130-139.
9. Nazarova N.A. On the interaction of the investigator with the body of inquiry in the investigation and disclosure of illegal formation (creation, reorganization) of legal entities / N.A. Nazyrova // Siberian criminal procedural and criminalistic readings. - 2021. - № 3(33) - Pp.71-79.
10. Plesneva L.P. Forms of interaction of the investigator with the bodies of inquiry / L.P. Plesneva // Siberian Legal Bulletin. - 2015. - № 4(71). - Pp. 119-125.
11. Reshnyak M.G. Corruption in the sphere of commercial and other organizations: modern problems of criminal legal counteraction / M.G. Reshnyak // All-Russian Journal of Criminology. - 2022. - Vol. 16, No. 5. - pp. 600-610.
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13. Rusetskaya G.D., Dicevich Ya.B., Belykh O.A. Application of new technologies in the fight against violations of environmental legislation / G.D.Rusetskaya, Ya.B. Dicevich, O.A. Belykh // All-Russian Journal of Criminology. - 2021. - Vol. 15, No. 3. - pp. 295-305.
14. Stepanenko D.A. On the issue of search and cognitive "tools" of the investigator / D.A. Stepanenko // Russian Justice. - 2012. - № 7(75). - Pp.92-99.
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16. Tochilkina A.A. Criminalistic versions and planning of investigation of crimes against life and health committed under conditions of emotional tension / A.A. Tochilkina // Siberian criminal procedural and criminalistic readings. - 2023. - No. 2. - pp. 79-86.
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