from 01.01.2009 to 01.01.2023
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
UDK 343.98 Криминалистика. Криминалистическая техника и тактика
GRNTI 10.85 Криминалистика
BBK 6752 Криминалистика
A forensic approach to the use of social engineering in the commission of high-tech crimes is formulated. Quantitative estimates of the scale and dynamics of the use of relevant technologies by criminals are given. The main causes and conditions conducive to the expanding use of social engineering techniques by criminals have been established and considered. The main technologies of social engineering used in the commission of high-tech crimes, aimed at both individuals and legal entities, are given. Attention is drawn to the special danger of attracting social engineering technologies by organized criminal groups. The problems of insidership and "involuntary complicity" in crimes committed with the help of social engineering have been studied. It is concluded that when committing high-tech crimes, social engineering technologies are used in combination with software and hardware and software, forming a single set of means of committing crimes, providing a qualitative leap in achieving a criminal result. The identified features of the application of social engineering technologies can be used in the development and implementation of forensic measures to counter high-tech crimes.
computer crimes, methods of committing crimes, means of committing crimes, phishing, information technologies
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