This article discusses the implementation of management functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Buryatia on the organization of the police activities in "the places of special consideration". The places are determined on the basis of analysis of complaints and petitions about committed offenses in the residential sector through an integrated use of legal, technical, organizational and management measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of activities in the field of public order maintenance
the places of special consideration, public order maintenance, the registry of brought individuals, forms and methods of management, crime prevention, the right of citizens to appeal
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4. Ob utverzhdenii Vremennogo nastavleniya po sluzhbe shtabov OVD: prikaz MVD Rossii ot 12.02.1997 № 86.
5. Ob organizacii raboty po profilaktike prestupleniy i pravonarusheniy v «mestah osobogo vnimaniya: prikaz MVD po RB ot 03.06.2014 № 432.
6. Tezisy otcheta ministra vnutrennih del po Respublike Buryatiya general-mayora policii O.F. Kudinova na sessii Narodnogo Hurala Respubliki Buryatiya o deyatel'nosti policii MVD po Respublike Buryatiya v 2014 godu (26 fevralya 2015 g. g. Ulan-Ude).
7. Spravka «O kompleksnom analize operativnoy obstanovki v Respublike Buryatiya za 2014 god»