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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The Russian Federation, as a member of the international community, plays a prominent role in countering international terrorism. It actively participates in the development and implementation of political and legal measures adopted by leading international organizations. Russia, as a member of regional organizations on the Eurasian continent, proposes specific measures based on international law to reduce the level of terrorist activity. The aim of the study is to determine the role of Russia in international organizations seeking to reduce the real threats to regional security from terrorist associations. The following scientific methods are used: analytical, formal-legal, comparative-legal. The results of the study are: the establishment of legally significant facts confirming the role of the Russian state in the implementation of legal measures in the framework of regional security, taking into account the national peculiarities of the legal systems of states that are members of a number of international associations; as well as the determination of circumstances confirming the higher adaptability of local international organizational structures to solve the problems of countering terrorism in different parts of the modern world.

terrorism, counter-terrorism, international organizations, regional organizations, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States
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