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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article considers and systematizes private theoretical, methodological, and practical provisions used by experts when conducting handwriting examinations on handwriting objects written in a foreign language, and also examines the possibilities for improving them effectively. In modern forensic science, a standard methodology for solving identification problems on this type of object has not been established, as these objects have a distinct specificity, and some approaches proposed by researchers to implement them in the practical work of expert departments seem difficult. To form a current, justified, and reliable understanding of the principles in the field of forensics for foreign-language writing investigations, we studied, described, analyzed, and systematized the current possibilities of applying existing scientific, theoretical, and methodological provisions for handwriting analysis to investigate handwritten documents written in foreign languages.

forensic handwriting examination of foreign language writing, judicial handwriting, foreign language writing, foreign writing, forensic handwriting examination, foreign handwriting, writing and motor skills
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