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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The authors of the article examine modern approaches and capabilities of the employees of operational units of the internal affairs bodies to obtain and analyze digital data when combating cybercrime. In this study, close attention is paid to the organizational, tactical and technical methods of obtaining operational-search information for use in solving crimes committed using modern technical means and data transmission networks. Another issue of the article was the technical aspect of obtaining operationally significant information: about the identity of the user of Internet resources; establishing the owner of websites; senders of electronic messages; owners of electronic wallets and other effective methods of obtaining information, including searching the Internet, using specialized services and software that can be used to solve the problems assigned by the Federal Law "On Operational-Investigative Activities" to the subjects of operational-investigative activities.

Operational investigative activities, operational investigative measures, digital data, collection of operationally significant information, Internet, Internet services, deanonymization
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