Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to artificial neural networks and their implementation in forensic science. The author considers the technology of artificial intelligence, conducted a comparative analysis of artificial and biological neural networks. Based on the analysis of human and expert thinking, it is concluded that it is permissible to use neural networks only to solve well-formalized tasks. The author's definition of neural networks in forensic science is proposed. The main directions of their implementation in the production of forensic examinations are proposed, taking into account the nature of research and the characteristics of specific genera (types of examinations). The tasks solved by the introduction of neural networks into forensic activities are presented. The author comes to the conclusion that artificial neural networks take the place of the auxiliary tools of the forensic expert, do not replace or replace it. The introduction of artificial intelligence into forensic expertise is a long and time-consuming process that must be carried out jointly by scientists in the field of neural networks and forensic expertise.

Forensic expert science, artificial intelligence, forensic examination production, neural networks, digitalization, expert thinking, research methods, expert, research stages, modern technologies

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