Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The development of the modern theory of operational investigative activity is associated with the formation of its particular theories, each of which defines a set of scientific provisions characterizing a particular direction (segment) of the work of operational units. Operational investigative control of internal affairs bodies over persons prone to committing crimes is one of the key areas of operational investigative support for crime prevention, which has its own special object and subject of research. This allows us to talk about the need to formulate a particular theory of operational investigative control. The purpose of the work is to formulate the concept and content of the private theory of operational investigative control of internal affairs bodies as part of the general theory of operational investigative activity with its own special thesaurus, object, subject, purpose, objectives, methods, principles. Methods and materials: The methodological basis of the work was the dialectical method of cognition of phenomena and processes of real reality, involving their study in constant development, close interrelation and interdependence. The Results of the Study: The article presents theoretical provisions, the totality of which can be qualified as a solution to a scientific problem that is important for the development of the theory and practice of operational investigative activities of internal affairs bodies. Findings and Conclusions: It was concluded that the developed private theory of operational investigative control over persons prone to committing crimes will contribute to the development of operational investigative science, streamline the practical activities of operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the field of crime prevention, and significantly increase its effectiveness.

operational investigative control; internal affairs bodies; persons prone to committing crimes; theoretical and legal foundations; private theory; scientific problem; information and telecommunication technologies.

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