Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with the issues of expert support of detection and investigation of crimes involving fires. Materials and Methods: on the basis of the analysis of expert practice and activities of expert forensic units of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia the conclusion is made about the key importance of scientific-methodological and technical-criminalistic support for the development of fire-technical expertise. The Results of the Study: the authors proved the effectiveness of the inspection of the scene with the use of modern instrumental means of research and fixation of non-verbal information, which already at the stage of preliminary investigation can determine the place of initial combustion, and, as a consequence, the technical cause of the fire. The issues of training and retraining of personnel for the needs of expert forensic units, as well as educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the formation and development of future experts of fire-technical direction are covered. Findings and Conclusions: the most useful information from the detected traces during the inspection of the scene is the main task that has to be solved in the investigation of fires. An integrated approach in the study of signs, traces and objects allows to strengthen the evidentiary base of this category of cases.

fire and technical examination, fire, arson, scientific and methodical support, standard expert methods, forensic technology, fire and technical laboratory, forensic activity, training of expert personnel.
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3. Shekov A.A., Dashko L.V., Harchenko I.V., Geras'kin M.Yu. Naibolee rasprostranennye konstrukcii samodel'nyh zazhigatel'nyh ustrojstv, izymaemyh pri osmotre mesta proisshestviya, svyazannogo s podzhogom [The most common designs of homemade incendiary devices seized during an inspection of an arson incident]. Kriminalistika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra - Criminalistics: yesterday, today, tomorrow. 2023, no. 3 (27), pp. 242-255. (in Russia).

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21. Shekov A.A., Dashko L.V., Harchenko I.V., Geras'kin M.Yu. Naibolee rasprostranennye konstrukcii samodel'nyh zazhigatel'nyh ustrojstv, izymaemyh pri osmotre mesta proisshestviya, svyazannogo s podzhogom [The most common designs of homemade incendiary devices seized during an inspection of an arson incident]. Kriminalistika: vchera, segodnya, zavtra - Journal of Forensic Science: yesterday, today, tomorrow. 2023, no. 3 (27), pp. 242-255. (in Russia).

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27. Geras'kin M.Yu., Dashko L.V., Plotnikova G.V., Shekov A.A. Ispol'zovanie metoda koercitimetrii pri issledovanii holodnodeformirovannyh stal'nyh izdelij dlya ustanovleniya ochaga pozhara. [Using the coercimetry method in the study of cold-deformed steel products to determine the source of the fire]. Sudebnaya ekspertiza - Forensic Expertise. 2019, no. 2 (58), pp. 80-91. (in Russia).

28. Klyuchnikov V.Yu., Pen'kov V.V., Dashko L.V. Sovremennye vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya malyh bespilotnyh letatel'nyh apparatov dlya fiksacii obstanovki na meste proisshestviya [Modern possibilities of using small unmanned aerial vehicles to record the situation at the scene of an incident]. Professional: populyarno-pravovoj al'manah MVD Rossii - Popular legal almanac of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia «Professional». 2016, no. 5 (133), pp. 43-46. (in Russia).

29. Dashko L.V., Sinyuk V.D., Pen'kov V.V. Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya bespilotnyh letatel'nyh apparatov dlya fiksacii obstanovki na meste pozhara [Possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles to record the situation at the site of a fire]. Nauchnyj portal MVD Rossii - Journal of the Scientific Portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2017, no. 4 (40), pp. 53-59. (in Russia).

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31. Rvacheva V.Yu., Dashko L.V. [Problems of training and retraining of personnel experts in the field of fire-technical examination] Teoriya i praktika sudebnoj ekspertizy v sovremennyh usloviyah. Materialy VII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Theory and practice of forensic examination in modern conditions. Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference]. Moscow, 2019, pp. 402-405. (in Russia).

32. Shekov A.A., Dashko L.V. [Interaction of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the forensic units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the field of scientific and methodological support of forensic fire-technical examination] Deyatel'nost' pravoohranitel'nyh organov v sovremennyh usloviyah. Sbornik materialov XXVIII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [In the collection: Activities of law enforcement agencies in modern conditions. Collection of materials of the XXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference]. Irkutsk, 2023, pp. 281-283. (in Russia).

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