Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article is devoted to the analysis of the legal framework for international counteraction to crimes in the field of security of the world and humanity. International legal acts that serve as the legal basis for the development of national legal policy in the field of combating crimes against the peace and security of mankind have been studied. The article presents a detailed analysis of key international conventions in the field of international security. The shortcomings of international legislation in the field of combating crimes against the peace and security of mankind, and maintaining peaceful coexistence between the states of the world have been identified. Materials and methods: the study was carried out on the basis of a combination of general scientific and specific scientific methods, including formal logical, dialectical, formal legal, comparative legal methods of scientific knowledge. The results of the study: the author examined the problems of the international legal framework in the field of combating crimes against peace, indicated the shortcomings of a legal and law enforcement nature in the field of maintaining peaceful coexistence between world powers. Conclusions and conclusions: the international regulatory framework has a number of aspects that have not yet been resolved. The author has proposed specific measures to improve regulatory and law enforcement practices in the field of combating crimes against peace, as well as in maintaining international stability in the world. Key words: international acts, genocide, counteraction, international relations.

Key words: international acts, genocide, counteraction, international relations.

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