Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: Currently, the issue of revising the operational-search measure «supervision of postal, telegraphic and other communications» seems relevant. This is due to the fact that in modern society, citizens actively use various Internet services to exchange information. Obtaining information operationally in this area has a number of problems, therefore it is proposed to include such control items in the event under consideration. The issue of correspondence sent individually without using communication services also remains relevant. Methods and materials: Scientific literature and federal legislation were used to write the work. The dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods were used: logical (analysis, synthesis, description, comparison) and special methods of legal science: comparative legal and formal legal. The Results of the Study: The individual features are highlighted, the concept is formulated and the classification of the operational-search activity «supervision of postal, telegraphic and other communications» is proposed. Findings and Conclusions: The control of messages, regardless of the method and form of their transmission, will allow the operational units of the internal affairs bodies, in accordance with the procedure established by law, to obtain information in this area and present the results of operational investigative activities to provide the criminal process with the necessary evidence.

operational search-measure «supervision of postal, telegraphic and other communications», electronic message, communication service, technical communication channel, correspondence

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