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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the legality of committing a forced crime and causing harm by participants in operational investigative activities during the implementation of the operational investigative activity “Operational Implementation”. The question of the need for proper legislative provision of guarantees of personal safety is raised and exemption from criminal liability of persons carrying out operational investigative activities, as well as persons providing them with confidential assistance. The definition of “operational risk” in operational investigative activities and its interpretation are considered legal scholars and law enforcement practice. Forced commission of illegal acts by secret employees during the implementation of operational investigative activities “infiltration” is considered one of the most problematic issues in the theory of operational investigative activities and the practice of operational units. Comparative legal analysis of criminal law norms The Russian Federation and the Federal Law of August 12, 1995 No. 144-FZ “On Operational Investigative Activities” showed the existing significant gaps in the legal regulation of public relations that arise when solving problems of solving serious and especially serious crimes.

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