Ulan-Ude, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation
The author draws attention to the significance of criminological theory of overcoming counteractions to preliminary investigation. On the basis of the review of profile literature, analysis of empirical data is stated that opposition to justice on the part of a number of subjects in one form or another is almost always present not only during the investigation of a crime, but also in the consideration of criminal cases in court. It is noted that criminological characteristics of court proceedings, acting as information basis for development of techniques of court proceedings, should contain information about typical acts of resistance, which are realized during consideration of a criminal case by participants of criminal proceedings and other persons. The article provides lists of typical acts of counteraction, implemented by participants of court proceedings on criminal cases of bribery. It is summarized that they should be taken into account in further research towards creation of a methodology of court proceedings in this category of criminal cases
counteraction to investigation, counteraction to judicial proceedings, methods of judicial proceedings, criminalistic characteristic of judicial proceedings, acts of counteraction to criminal prosecution
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