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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with the problems of establishing the criminological essence of corruption crimes committed by employees of the internal affairs bodies in the field of public order, as a separate type of crime, the specificity of which, along with the status features of the subject of the crime - the employee of the internal affairs bodies, is also due to the subject-subject type of corruption interaction and specific the sphere of criminal corruption activities - the sphere of public order protection. Materials and methods: the regulatory framework of the study is formed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, in particular, laws of the federal level, reflecting the main provisions of the criminal policy and the underlying system for ensuring national and public security of the Russian Federation, sub-legal regulatory legal acts and other regulatory sources in the field of combating corruption. The methodological basis of the study was the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, which is universal in nature, also methods of logical deduction, induction, cognitive methods and techniques of observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis and description, as well as systemic, functional behavioral and institutional-interactionist approaches. Results: allowed to clarify certain provisions of criminological theory relating to the understanding of the nature of corruption crimes committed by employees of the internal affairs bodies in the field of public order, as a separate specific type of crime, which allows to define conceptual areas and measures of special criminological warning. Conclusions and conclusions: corruption behavior is characterized by all the characteristics of social practices (reflexivity, stability, reproduction, mass character, normativity), and as a specific criminal practice, corruption behavior is expressed in the constant reproduction of corruption crimes prohibited by the Criminal Code. The totality of corruption risks related to official activities of officials of internal affairs bodies, organizing and supporting public order protection and directly performing functions (serving) to protect public order, and determines the content of corruption crimes committed by law enforcement officers in the field of public order protection as an independent criminal practice.

corruption, activity, criminal practice, crime, employee of the internal affairs officers, protection of public order
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