Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article discusses the main approaches to determining the effectiveness of the units and services of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the features of motivation of employees of the internal Affairs bodies. As the most important characteristics, an indicator of the level of professionalism of management and efficiency are the direct criterion for assessing the quality of the functioning of the law enforcement system as a whole. A high degree of management efficiency is one of the guarantees of successful solution of urgent problems, including the challenges facing the state in the field of public security. Materials and methods: logical, systemic, structural and functional, comparative legal methods of cognition, as well as the method of specific sociological research were used in the writing of the article. Results of the study: the effectiveness of the units and services of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia includes the following components: effectiveness; social usefulness; conditions in which the internal Affairs body operates. Two groups of factors (conditions) are identified: normative and subjective grounds of motivational activity of heads of internal Affairs bodies. As criteria for assessing the degree of effectiveness of the units and services of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia is proposed to consider the actual data on changes in the object of impact, excluding the assessment of the process of such impact. Discussion and conclusions: the study of the assessment of the effectiveness of the units and services of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia allowed to determine the conditions for the effective management of services and units in accordance with their direct purpose, to identify the legal requirements that determine the effectiveness of combating crime in General, as well as the investigation of crimes in particular, to formulate the concept of effective management and propose measures to improve this area of activity.

activity of the state, management system, organization of activity of law-enforcement bodies, assessment of activity, purpose, purpose, motivation, stimulation, legality, improvement, measures, efficiency, disclosure, investigation, crime, public order
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