Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the improvement of the organization of the detection and investigation of crimes among the priority areas of scientific support for activities in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the study of a scientific article is the laws governing the organizational support of activities related to the detection and investigation of crimes. The aim of the study is to provide scientific support for improving the organization of the detection and investigation of crimes. An analysis of the empirical base allowed the author to identify the problems (scientific and practical) of organizing activities on the disclosure and investigation of crimes and suggest ways of solving aimed at: developing and implementing a scientific product, which is scientific knowledge in the field of organizing the investigation of crimes; the development and practical implementation of an applied (practical) product are recommendations on the use of a system of organizational, technical, organizational, tactical, organizational and methodical techniques, methods and means of ensuring effective activity in the field of criminal justice. The system of organizational, managerial and organizational and forensic provisions formed in a scientific article is aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the activities of both the investigator and other entities engaged in the detection, disclosure and investigation of crimes. At the same time, the results of scientific and practical implementation of the provisions and scientifically based recommendations create conditions for: stimulating scientific research; improvement of the organizational support of the activities of pre-trial subjects; development of legislative and regulatory framework in the field of organization of activities; providing training, advanced training of internal affairs officers.

scientific support, organization of scientific support, organization of the detection and investigation of crimes, optimization of activity
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