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Abstract (English):
This paper focus on condition and development of the Russian Federation transport infrastructure which are of great importance as transport together with other infrastructural industries provides base conditions that make society functional an important tool of the achievement of social, economic, foreign policy purposes. The prospects of the further social and economic development depend not only on the condition and the quality of rail activity, but also on a state capability effectively to execute one of the major functions: the protection of the national sovereignty and the security of the country, providing of passengers’ transportation, the creation of conditions for equalization of social and economic development of regions. A great attention was always paid to a positive international experience of organization and activity of similar infrastructures. Thereupon the aim of the scientific article is to study the experience of the Netherlands in the field of strategic matters, concerning safety of transportations, safety of work and safety of passengers’ life at the railway transport infrastructure. The resulted analysis of the legislation can be used when conducting research in the field of transport security.

safety of transportations, safety of work, safety of vital functions of railway transport infrastructure, rail transport, international experience, the Netherlands, development strategy, transport system of Russia
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