Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article problems of the theory and history of an origin of common law in Ancient Russia are considered; process of authorization of customs by the Old Russian state, and also history of origin of customs and their slow development with the advent of writing into laws are researched. Seven specific signs of this form of the right are determined and analysed: 1) sociality; 2) collectivity, 3) spontaneity of origin; 4) repeated application, repeating (conservatism); 5) antiquity; 6) community of economic and geographical conditions; 7) a capability of customs transformation in legislative arrangements. Proceeding from it, in the article the analysis of these customs signs content, based on the legal relationship which historically developed in the sphere of use and protection of the wood is performed.

Custom, common law, types of common law, signs of common law, procedural rules, transformation of customs in common law
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19. Chernyh V.V. Pravovye obychai kak istochnik prava // Deyatel'nost' pravoohranitel'nyh organov v sovremennyh usloviyah: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Irkutsk: VSI MVD Rossii, 2012. S. 419.

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