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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problem of differentiating car fires associated with their lighting up as a result of the ignition of combustion intensifier from open flame sources and depressurization of the fuel system. The study of the spreading of the liquid when filling in the volume of about 0.5 liters on the windshield of car with half of the hood layout (Fiat Ducato, GAZ «Gazel», ZIL-5301 «Bychok») is made. It is found that the liquid drains through the drain channels on the soil surface mainly in the front of the car with the half of the hood layout. For vehicles bonnet layout runoff fluid was behind the front wheels and in front of the car. The lack of technological niches in front of the windscreen, for example, trucks ZIL-5301 «Bychok», leads to the penetration of burning intensifier in the engine compartment. The study results can be used when searching for combustion enhancers in the examination of a car fire scene.

arson, fire accelerants, flammable liquids, open flames, hot surfaces, exhaust system, scene examination, car
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