Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author considers the peculiarities of committing theft in the housing and communal services, identifies the sources of embezzlement, stages of their commission, and classifies search results in signs of theft in the housing and communal services, allowing to carry out purposeful work to identify these crimes.

housing and communal services, theft, crimes in the sphere of housing and communal services, theft in the housing and communal services, ways of committing theft in the housing and communal services, search of signs of theft in the housing and communal services
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1. Zolotarev I.I. i dr. Preduprezhdenie i vyyavlenie prestupleniy ekonomicheskoy napravlennosti, svyazannyh s hischeniem denezhnyh sredstv v sfere zhilischno-kommunal'nogo stroitel'stva: metodicheskie rekomendacii. M.: VNII MVD RF, 2011.

2. Gorbunova N.V. Ekonomicheskie aspekty prestupleniy v sfere zhilischno-kommunal'nogo hozyaystva // Buhgalter i zakon. 2014. № 1.

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