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Abstract (English):
The given article is devoted to the legislative activity of public prosecution bodies. The author points out that the participation in lawmaking activities enables the public prosecution bodies to realize their duty to protect the rights. And this duty provides supremacy of law. The public prosecution bodies don’t possess a right of legislative initiative but all the same the public prosecution bodies are the essential participants of the formation of the laws and regulations system of the Russian Federation.

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1. Volkolupov, E. V. Prokurorskiy nadzor kak garantiya obespecheniya zakonnosti pravovyh aktov: problemy teorii i praktiki: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Saratov, 2003. S. 6.

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4. O pravotvorcheskoy deyatel'nosti organov prokuratury i uluchshenii vzaimodeystviya s zakonodatel'nymi (predstavitel'nymi) i ispolnitel'nymi organami gosudarstvennoy vlasti i organami mestnogo samoupravleniya: prikaz General'noy prokuratury RF ot 17 sentyabrya 2007 g. № 144 (v red. Prikaza General'noy prokuratury Rossii ot 6 fevr. 2013 g. № 56). Tekst prikaza oficial'no opublikovan ne byl.

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