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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of victimological characteristics of theft victims committed on the passenger railway. According to the results of the study the most typical behavior of the victims of reviewing offence were identified. Social, moral, psychological, age and gender characteristics as well as victimogenic factors that determine the theft commission on public railway were found out

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1. O strategii razvitiya Rossii do 2020 goda [Tekst]: vystuplenie Prezident Rossiyskoy Federacii V. Putina na rasshirennom zasedanii Gosudarstvennogo Soveta 8 fevralya 2008 g. // Prezident Rossii. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.kremlin.ru/text/appears/2008/02/159528.shtml

2. Statisticheskie svedeniya glavnogo informacionno-analiticheskogo centra MVD Rossii. Rezhim dostupa: http://www.mvd.ru/stats/10000148/10000230/6166/

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