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Abstract (English):
In the article are considered the problems associated with the term «computer information» in the Russian criminal law. The new edition of the notes 1 to article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is offered, which defines this concept.

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1. GIAC MVD Rossii. Otchet o prestupleniyah, sovershennyh v sfere telekommunikaciy i komp'yuternoy informacii, za 1999-2013 g.g. - M., 2013.

2. Signal // Vikipediya - http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D1%E8%E3%ED%E0%EB.

3. V pervonachal'noy redakcii glavy 28 Ugolovnogo kodeksa RF ispol'zovalsya termin «elektronno-vychislitel'naya mashina (EVM)». V bol'shinstve sluchaev ponyatiya «komp'yuter» i «EVM» primenyayutsya kak ekvivalentnye, hotya upotreblyaemoe v st. 1261 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF vyrazhenie «EVM i drugih komp'yuternyh ustroystv» pozvolyaet sdelat' vyvod, chto ponyatie «komp'yuternoe ustroystvo» shire i vklyuchaet v sebya ponyatie «EVM». V tehnicheskoy literature eti terminy obychno ispol'zuyutsya kak sinonimy, no komp'yuterom prinyato nazyvat' personal'nuyu EVM.

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