Currently, as the floor coverings are widely used new types of products that you are not a fire hazard. Producers in many cases, samples of products made specifically for certification, while the other party materials coming to the Russian market, does not meet the requirements. Therefore, when a fire involving such materials is difficult to establish the influence of materials used as the flooring on the development of the fire, the intensity of Smoking, the speed of the filling premises of smoke and as a consequence on health of people and killing them on fire
1. Federal'nyy zakon ot 22.07.2008 g. №123-FZ «Tehnicheskiy reglament o trebovaniyah pozharnoy bezopasnosti».
2. GOST 12.1.044-89 «Pozharovzryvoopasnost' veschestv i materialov. Nomenklatura pokazateley i metody ih opredeleniya»
3. FZ № 123-FZ ot 22 iyulya 2008 goda «Tehnicheskiy reglament o trebovaniyah pozharnoy bezopasnosti». Klassifikaciya zdaniy, sooruzheniy i pozharnyh otsekov po funkcional'noy pozharnoy opasnosti, st. 32
4. GOST R 51032-97 «Materialy stroitel'nye. Metod ispytaniya na rasprostranenie plameni».
5. GOST 30244-94 «Materialy stroitel'nye. Metody ispytaniy na goryuchest'».