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Abstract (English):
This article describes the problems of verification of statements and reports of crimes in the criminal procedure law in Russia and Mongolia

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1. Rossiyskaya gazeta. 6 marta 2013 g. № 48 (6024).

2. Processual'nye problemy uchastiya specialista v rassledovanii ugolovnogo dela / D.G. Shashin // Deyatel'nost' pravoohranitel'nyh organov i federal'noy protivopozharnoy sluzhby v sovremennyh usloviyah: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya: Materialy 15 Mezhdunar. nauch.-prak. konf. - Irkutsk: FGOU VPO «Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii», 2010. - C. 301-304.

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