In article the condition of fire safety in 2008 on objects East- Siberian railway is analyzed. The analysis of fires for a year is carried out. Ignitions are classified on various parameters. Calculation of fire risks on the basis of the statistical data for 2008 is carried out*.
1. Pozharnye riski. Vyp.1: Osnovnye ponyatiya / pod red. N.N. Brushlinskogo. M.: FGU VNIIPO MChS Rossii, 2004. 57 s.
2. Riski v prirode, tehnosfere, obschestve i ekonomike / V.A. Akimov, V.V. Lesnyh, N.N. Radaev; MChS Rossii. M.: Delovoy ekspress, 2004. 32 s.