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Abstract (English):
System law on administrative offences, consists of code on administrative offences and measures in accordance with the laws of the entities of the Russian Federation. Development of regional law on administrative offences include qualitative management of administrative responsibility and geographical location of a specific entity of the Federation. Administrative responsibility, as a coercive measure is offensive adverse legal consequences, the limitation of the rights and lawful interests of natural and legal persons. In this connection, the establishment of administrative liability in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should be based on strict principles of legality, to ensure the realization of the rights and lawful interests of natural and legal persons, protect them from unlawful encroachments[*].

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2. Perfil'ev Yu. Regional'naya simvolika: v poiskah ideologii // Regiony Rossii v 1999 g.: Ezhegodnoe prilozhenie k Politicheskomu al'manahu Rossii.

3. P.3 st. 7 Ustava Irkutskoy oblasti (v red. Zakona Irkutskoy oblasti ot 28.07.1998 g. № 26-oz).

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