The article deals with the issues of the public assistant’s participation in the activities of the investigator of the Internal Affairs bodies. The peculiarities of his training and further development as an investigator are revealed.
investigator, public assistant, Internal Affairs bodies, mentor, training
1. Rukovodstvo dlya sledovatelya i ego obschestvennogo pomoschnika: ucheb.-prakt. posob. (otv. red. Yu. P. Garmaev). (Podgotovlen dlya sistemy Konsul'tantPlyus, 2010).
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3. Punkt 5 prikaza MVD Rossii ot 18 maya 2012 g. № 522 «Ob utverzhdenii Poryadka oformleniya lichnogo poruchitel'stva pri postuplenii na sluzhbu v organy vnutrennih del Rossiyskoy Federacii i Kategoriy dolzhnostey, pri naznachenii na kotorye oformlyaetsya lichnoe poruchitel'stvo».